Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Training at Spokane Turbine Center

The Spokane Turbine Center staff had a busy summer and fall (so far). During the summer, they continued building and maintaining relationships with the greater missionary community at the EAA Air Venture fly-in in Oshkosh, WI and at the Smoketown, PA fly-in. After completing these tours in September, they have been diligently tackling projects that are hard to accomplish during training cycles. This includes aircraft and facility maintenance and improvements as well as enhancing and refining course curriculum to meet the needs of their students to the best of their ability.

This Wednesday the next wave of students arrive. This training cycle there will be eight maintenance specialists coming for two weeks of turbine engine training. In addition, there are three pilots and one maintenance specialist coming for recurrency/supplemental training.

As you can imagine, with only three instructors, they will be busy from the moment they arrive at work to the time they head out the door. They would greatly appreciate your prayers. Here are a few ways in which you can be praying for them during the next four weeks:
  • The instructors (Jeremy, Ken, Tyler)- communicate clearly and effectively
  • The students- think clearly and understand the concepts and information
  • Training equipment (plane, simulator, computers, etc.)- operate smoothly, without mechanical complications
  • For the gaps left in the students' families and programs while they are in Spokane for training