Thursday, December 11, 2014

Joel's First Flight!

Being the son of a pilot, Joel must have Daddy take him on his first flight.  So for Jeremy's last time using the STC Kodiak, all four of us flew around the Spokane area together.  Connor was quite excited to going flying "in daddy's yellow airplane".

We had to convince Joel that he wanted to go flying.  He screamed until Jeremy started up the plane.
Connor and Joel fell asleep before we took off.
While both boys were napping, Jeremy and I enjoyed a beautiful day flying! It was almost like a date.
A perfect December day to go flying!
My favorite pilot!
After a little nap, Connor enjoyed looking out the window.
He woke up as we landed- slept through his first flight.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Jeremy's Last Day at STC

Last week was bitter-sweet for Jeremy.  Five years, almost to the day, after his first official day working at Spokane Turbine Center, Jeremy cleaned out his desk, packed up his office, and walked out the door for the last time as a Spokane Turbine Center instructor.  While it was difficult to leave STC after five years of serving, growing, building friendships and pouring his energy into the work at STC, it also marked the beginning of our official transition to Mission Aviation Fellowship.  We have been so blessed by the STC staff and the missionaries that have come through for training.  We'll miss you all!!  We thank God for allowing us to be a part of the work He is doing through STC for the advance of the Gospel!  May the Lord continue to richly bless the ministry at Spokane Turbine Center.

The staff at STC planned a surprise going-away party for Jeremy, complete with a Garmin G1000 cake!  One of Jeremy's primary roles at STC was developing and teaching the Garmin G1000 curriculum.

The boys and I went to STC for Jeremy's surprise celebration.
A Garmin G1000 cake!
(Jeremy helped develop the curriculum and taught the G1000 course.)

What's next for the Toews? Mission Aviation Fellowship...We start training in January 2015!