Friday, October 1, 2010

A Crazy Summer

"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:9-11

What a thought-provoking synopsis of the Spirit-empowered life of the believer. May Paul's prayer for the Philippian church also be our prayer for each other and for ourselves - to the glory and praise of God.

It's been a crazy, amazing summer. I am so blessed to have had the opportunities afforded these past couple of months since my last blog update, and to continually have the opportunity to serve our great God each and every day. As is often said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life;" a new beginning; a new opportunity to glorify our Creator and Redeemer at every opportunity!

And now a brief recap:
I managed to get about a week and a half of vacation this summer, traveling around the northwest spending some very valuable time with my girlfriend, my family, and some good friends. Then I spent time traveling across the country, visiting family, close friends and church family, and found my way to Lancaster, PA. I stayed with my brother and his wife and caught up with my co-workers from Spokane Turbine Center, who had flown the Kodiak from Spokane for a missionary aviation event just outside of Lancaster. The event went very well. We gave rides in the Kodiak and shared with over 3,000 people about the Kodiak and Spokane Turbine Center's role in serving the church and reaching the lost through missionary aviation.

The last part of August and on into September found my boss and I flying the Kodiak across the country and into Canada. We visited Christian flight schools in VA, MI, TX, CA, WA and Alberta, raising awareness of the acute needs, including people and equipment, in missionary aviation. We also shared our passion for equipping missionary aviators and discussed partnership opportunities to provide turbine training for the schools' graduates. Altogether, we flew 94.3 hours, 9,329.4 miles and gave a taste of modern missionary aviation technology to 936 passengers/supporters/future missionary aviators. We give thanks that the most significant mechanical problem we had was a burned out light bulb.

Now we're back in Spokane, into full swing on the training schedule. A class of 7 pilots and maintenance specialists from Haiti, Brazil, Central Asia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea just completed the course last week. Another class begins the week after next. I greatly appreciate your prayers, encouragement and support. This is a team effort, and it's a privilege to be serving our great God along with you - to His glory and praise!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeremy,
    I enjoyed your blog update... great job. The tour with s/n 0001 this summer hopefully gave you a lot of good flight time.
