Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Lesson In Forgiveness

As many of you know, my backpack was stolen out of my brother-in-law's car when we were traveling near Christmas time. Though not fun, it was a good reminder not to hold things too closely. Well, last night Jeremy was going to grill hamburgers for dinner. When he went outside to start up the grill, he noticed that the propane take was not only stolen, but the thief cut the propane line. The grill sits right up next to our house, so this kind of worried me. Then I realized that it could have been much worse. Our spare key was kept partially underneath that propane tank. The thief could have easily found the key and gotten into our house and taken much more. (Needless to say, we are no longer keeping a key outside. Why we have a spare key outside is a long story in and of itself. Let's just say I don't want Jeremy to have to come home from work again during the middle of the day to rescue his wife who locked herself out.)

Through this whole process, the Lord had yet another lesson for me to learn. Lately, I have been struck by the fact that I pray, but that I don't pray without ceasing like it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. He has been teaching me to talk to Him all day about everything- praising Him for a beautiful day, thanking Him for a warm house when it is snowing outside, lifting up a friend who pops into my thoughts, telling Him about the needs and requests of family and friends, praising Him for who He is, asking Him for wisdom and help, and talking together about life...you get the point. One thing I have noticed is that it is often hard for me to pray for situations or people that frustrate me or have hurt me. When I do pray for those circumstances and people, the Lord loving changes my frustration to compassion as well as changes my perspective to His. A propane tank can be replaced, but there is someone out there in Spokane who is hurting and in need of a Savior.

Lord, draw this thief, whom you love dearly, to yourself. May he/she come to know the richness of your love and your precious gift of salvation.

Is there something or someone who frustrates you or who has hurt you? Instead of holding on to it, take it to the Lord in prayer.


  1. An excellent post. Sharing from your heart like this is a great encouragement and blessing to me and others who will read this... Thank You! A great reminder to us all.

    1. When I write things down and have to put my thoughts and concepts God is teaching me into words, it helps solidify them for me. Also, writing about what I'm learning opens doors for accountability. I know I sure need it. :)
